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7/52 Colours of the Wind


When I was younger Pocahontas was my favourite Disney princess. That was because at the time, there weren't many, actually, there weren't any Disney princesses that actually looked like me. So I was searching for myself in everything and I found a little bit of myself in her. She was strong, she was brave and she was strong willed which was everything I thought I lacked.

Fast forward a few years and I find out Pocahontas was only 10 years old and it was not John Smith but John Rolfe who sexually abused her and kept her prisoner in England. (Well done Disney) But I guess the essence of Pocahontas is still something I admire, so that is what I based this week's image on.

I also thought I'd take the opportunity to include some links with information about the Dakota Pipeline.

6/52 You can only chase a butterfly for so long


“You can only chase a butterfly for so long.” 

I'm on the sixth week already! I'm not so proud of this one but I was just not feeling it this week. Part of the difficulty of photographing yourself is that most of the time, especially when photographs are concerned, is that you're not very kind to yourself. So I'll just have to fight the self-consciousness and KEEP SHOOTING. But I really want to photograph somebody who isn't me.

5/52 Keep your head in the clouds


“There was a star riding through clouds one night, & I said to the star, 'Consume me'.” 
― Virginia Woolf, The Waves

This one is a wee bit late but I promise it was all completed in time! I've just been so busy working and I like to sit with my photos for a few days before I share them. 

This is also my first go at editing with the Intuos Graphic Tablet! I heard that editing with a mouse is like a painting with a brick, and my brother uses his Intuos Pro for everything, so I decided to bite the bullet and get one for myself. I have to admit, it is absolutely wonderful! It was so much easier to edit with it, just in terms of masking, using brushes etc. and I'm quite happy with how this turned out!

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